Friday, April 11, 2008

New blog name

I have to change the name of this blog. I am going to change it to 45 things to do before I turn 45. That'll give me more time.

First on my list is 1.) how to make a checklist in my blog. I saw a blog with a good list and I have to figure out how to do that.

If you have any ideas about what to add to my list, please send them to me. Post a comment below.


Unknown said...

Hey Cindy,

I'm done with school and cleaning out the basement which is leading to the garage and all of the cupboards and you can only imagine all the little stuff you find along the way. Anyways, how about adding a DVD of each of the kids from birth to whatever that you will be able to add onto each year until they graduate and then you can play it at their grad parties. You probably already have that done, huh? Well, if can do mine! It would be a very small project since I never take pics and don't own a video camera. Hope I don't end up with Alzheimers! Miss ya! Wend

Vicki said...

Well, I read you blog and I don't really have any suggestions at this point just started me thinking about what would be on my list and in reading some of the other lists decided that it is pretty personal since I wouldn't be interested in any of their topics such as break 10 laws in one day or visit all the RUDE towns in Scotland.

Seems like I have alot that would include travel, I can say if you haven't seen Mt. Rushmore you should add that to your list. Also, currently on my list is to read all 6 Jane Austen books and since you are a book person that might be an option also. So far I have read 1 and have started my maybe before I am 45.

Take a cruise, jump out of an airplane, climb a mountain, I can't really say my life wouldn't be complete without these things but they might be great for the right person. My dad plans to ride the donkeys through the grand canyon. I always thought a hot air balloon ride would be kind of cool. I'll keep thinking. Actually I'm starting to feel like I'm on a roll here these are GREAT ideas for someone else!!! Just Kidding. Have fun with it! Vicki